Delhi govt permits Home delivery of liquor through Mobile app and portals

India / Delhi govt permits Home delivery of liquor through Mobile app and portals
India - Delhi govt permits Home delivery of liquor through Mobile app and portals
New Delhi: To overcome the Corona infection and reduce the line at liquor shops, the Delhi Government (Delhi Govt) on Tuesday cleared the way for home delivery of liquor of Indian and foreign brands in the national capital. Now people can place their order through a mobile app or online web portal from home.

Delhi government made changes in excise rules

The Delhi Government (Delhi Govt) has changed the binding rules for home delivery of liquor. According to the Delhi Excise (Amendment) Rules, 2021, L-13 license holders will be allowed to deliver liquor at the doorstep of the people. Home delivery of Indian and foreign liquor can be done by ordering through a mobile app or online web portal.

Liquor makers were demanding for a long time

Liquor manufacturers had been seeking permission from the Delhi government for online orders and liquor home delivery for a long time. Let us tell you that after the announcement of the lockdown imposed to control the corona infection in April, there was a long line at the liquor shops. After this, the liquor manufacturing companies had appealed to the Delhi government to allow home delivery of liquor.

Home delivery is already allowed in Maharashtra

In view of the increasing infection of corona virus, the Maharashtra government had already allowed home delivery of liquor. Let us tell you that to prevent the spread of Kovid-19, strict restrictions have been imposed in Maharashtra and shops are closed in many cities apart from Mumbai.

Corona infection rate reduced to less than one percent in Delhi

In the last few days, there has been a steady decrease in the infection of Coronavirus in Delhi and according to the data released on Monday, 648 patients of Kovid-19 were confirmed in the national capital, while 86 patients died. According to the Health Department, the infection rate in the national capital has come down to less than one percent, which is the lowest since March 19 for the first time. The number of patients being treated for infection in Delhi is 11040. This is the second consecutive time in the city that less than 100 deaths have been recorded in a single day. Earlier on Sunday, 946 cases of Kovid-19 were reported in Delhi and 78 people died.


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