Delhi Markets, malls to be opened on odd-even basis says Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal

Unlock Phase 2 / Delhi Markets, malls to be opened on odd-even basis says Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal
Unlock Phase 2 - Delhi Markets, malls to be opened on odd-even basis says Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal
Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has announced to extend the lockdown till 5 am on June 14. But at the same time, many concessions have also been announced in the restrictions of lockdown. Chief Minister Kejriwal said that gradually the situation of Corona is getting better in Delhi, in view of which we have started the process of unlocking. The lockdown will continue till 5 am on 7th June. After this, concessions are being given in many activities. The factory and construction activities were opened last week and despite that the situation is under control.

what will be open what will be closed

  • Shops will be opened on the basis of odd-even in malls and markets. From 10 am to 8 pm.
  • Group A officers will work with 100 percent attendance in government offices and 50 percent in Group B.
  • Private offices can be opened with 50% capacity. There has been a request for maximum work from home.
  • Shops of essential goods and services will open daily.
  • Delhi Metro will open with 50 percent capacity.
On preparedness to deal with a possible third wave of Kovid-19, Kejriwal said, 'We have formed a pediatric task force to prepare a safety plan for children.' We are making arrangements to store 420 tonnes of oxygen, setting up 64 oxygen plants to meet the threat of shortage of oxygen. We are preparing to deal with the third wave of Kovid keeping in mind that there could be 37,000 cases when it reaches its peak.


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