Delhi records 255 new COVID-19 cases & 23 deaths; positivity rate at 0.35%

Coronavirus / Delhi records 255 new COVID-19 cases & 23 deaths; positivity rate at 0.35%
Coronavirus - Delhi records 255 new COVID-19 cases & 23 deaths; positivity rate at 0.35%
New Delhi: After reporting daily lowest infections in three months on Saturday, Delhi reported 255 new coronavirus disease (Covid-19) cases in the last 24 hours, the state health bulletin showed. The positivity rate, which declined to 0.30 per cent on Saturday has climbed 0.05 percentage points and stands at 0.35 per cent on Sunday, according to the data.

The national capital logged 23 deaths in the last 24 hours, as per the data. The daily fatalities due to the virus declined on Sunday as Delhi reported 28 deaths on Saturday.

The additions to the positive cases and death toll registered in the past 24 hours took the tally to 1,431,139 and toll to 24,823, the health bulletin showed.

As many as 72,751 samples were tested for Covid-19 in 24 hours, while 71,513 tests were conducted for the detection of the virus in the population of Delhi the previous day.


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