Doctors Groove to Zingaat to Celebrate Anniversary of COVID Center

Maharashtra / Doctors Groove to Zingaat to Celebrate Anniversary of COVID Center
Maharashtra - Doctors Groove to Zingaat to Celebrate Anniversary of COVID Center
Mumbai: Amid all reports of doctors being abused and harassed during COVID-19, here's some good news-- Healthcare workers in Goregaon's NESCO center in Mumbai recently celebrated one year of their operations on June 2 by dancing on the popular song, Zingaat.

The video has since gone viral, and has won many hearts online. It has been uploaded by ANI with the caption, "Healthcare professionals of Nesco COVID-19 center in Mumbai's Goregaon were seen showing off their dance moves inside the patient's ward during an entertainment program organised on June 2 to mark one year of operations of the center"

Looking at videos like these help a lot when it comes to putting the situation of our healthcare workers into perspective. They have been at this for more than a year, and all the exhaustion and mental torture aside, they still manage to find days like these where they celebrate these well-deserved milestones.

Twitter too, shares the same sentiment and people have applauded the doctors for their achievement.


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