The nurse's face is evidence enough to know how horrified everyone in the operation theater was, when the snake is being taken out. She jumps away and takes the snake in her shaking hands to put it inside the medical bin.It is not known how long the snake was inside the woman's body, or whether or not it was alive. Reportedly, the woman is from Levashi village in Dagestan - a mountainous region that runs along the Caspian Sea. It is still unknown what type of snake was in her body. According to a report, the locals of the village claim that older citizens and children are told not to sleep outdoors due to the chances of a snake crawling into their mouths.زحف عبر فمها أثناء نومها.. فيديو مروع للحظة سحب ثعبان من حلق امرأةالبيان_القارئ_دائما
— صحيفة البيان (@AlBayanNews) August 31, 2020