Fake Saras Ghee being sold in D Mart - raid was conducted after complaint

D Mart News / Fake Saras Ghee being sold in D Mart - raid was conducted after complaint
D Mart News - Fake Saras Ghee being sold in D Mart - raid was conducted after complaint
D Mart News: Fake ghee is being sold in the famous supermarket chain D Mart in Jaipur. The Food and Safety Department team has recovered packets of fake ghee of Saras and Pro Vedic brands from the warehouse of D Mart store. These packets of ghee were kept in the store for sale. Many packets had already been sold. The team has seized 40 liters of Saras and 450 liters of Pro Vedic brand ghee. After the fake ghee was recovered, the department also sent another team to the location of the distributor who supplies it.

Additional Commissioner of Food Safety Department Pankaj Ojha said - A person had complained to us about adulteration in the brand Pro Vedic Ghee sold in D Mart. On this, the team raided the store located near Apex Circle in Malviya Nagar. We sent samples of Pro Vedic Ghee to the lab.

Here we also saw packets of ghee of other brands including Saras. When the carton of Saras Ghee was opened, many packets of the same batch number and series were found in it. On suspicion, we called the marketing team from Saras Dairy.

Fake ghee is supplied from Kukar Kheda

Pankaj Ojha said- Jaipur Saras Dairy team reached the spot. The team declared the batch of ghee as fake as soon as they saw it. When we investigated, we found that 25 percent of the packets in every carton are fake. There are 12 packets of ghee in every carton and 3 to 4 packets of it are fake ghee. Which were in similar packaging of Saras brand.

Ojha said- When we talked to the store manager, he told that this ghee is supplied to them by a distributor located in Kukar Kheda.

Chain system active in the supply of fake ghee

Additional Commissioner of Food Safety Department said- One of our teams reached the distributor located in Kukar Kheda. On enquiry, we found out that they get this ghee from some other supplier. In view of this, we have started checking the consignment of ghee present with the distributor. The team is now preparing to raid the other supplier from whom the ghee comes.

After getting his address, the team is preparing to raid there as well. Pankaj Ojha said- Haryana's Pro Vedic brand ghee was found to be fake and substandard in the government lab test prima facie. About 450 liters of Pro Vedic brand ghee has been seized. The area sales manager of D Mart has been ordered to declare the stock of Pro Vedic ghee and Saras ghee kept in all his stores and warehouses in Jaipur and not to sell it until further orders.

40 liters of fake Saras ghee has also been seized from the D Mart store and handed over to Saras Dairy. It seems that a long racket is working on this. The action will continue tomorrow as well.


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