First oil, now special train, such is the friendship between India and Russia, the economy will grow

India-Russia Relation / First oil, now special train, such is the friendship between India and Russia, the economy will grow
India-Russia Relation - First oil, now special train, such is the friendship between India and Russia, the economy will grow
India-Russia Relation: During and after Covid, India bought very cheap oil from Russia. Which benefited the Indian economy a lot. While the whole world was suffering losses due to oil, Russia helped India cross the hurdle by providing oil at a very low price. Now there is talk of running a special train between India and Russia. Let us know how this special train will add to the friendship and economy of India-Russia. Actually, the North-South Corridor built between India and Russia has created history. For the first time, two trains going towards India have left through this corridor. Both the trains going from Kuzbass to India have set out on a journey through the North-South International Transport Corridor. Russian Railways has confirmed the departure of both the trains.

Putin sent a special gift for friend India

Now we will talk about Putin's train which is coming directly to India from Russia. Before Prime Minister Narendra Modi's visit to Moscow, friend Russia has sent a gift for India. Yes, 2 trains carrying coal are coming to India from Russia. Two trains are coming to Mumbai from Russia's Siberia region via Iran. This is the first time that a train will reach India from Russia after such a long journey. The route they will use is called International North South Transport Corridor i.e. INSTC. Now let us tell you the international importance of this route and also know how it will enhance the economy of both the countries.

What is INSTC?

INSTC is a multi-mode network of about 7200 km long, that is, rail, road and sea routes are used in it. It connects India directly to Russia via Central Asia. Trains running from Russia will reach Mumbai via sea route from Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Chabahar port of Iran. That is, where there is a railway track, trains will run and where there is a sea route, goods will be transported through sea ships.

How will the economy increase?

INSTC connects Russia to India through Chabahar port of Iran. This is very important for India's trade. With Russia facing sanctions on maritime trade due to the Ukraine war, the economic and strategic importance of this corridor increases even more. At the same time, its importance for India is because India sees it as an alternative to China's ambitious Belt and Road Initiative.

Last month, India took over the management of Iran's Chabahar port for an initial period of 10 years. The deal is a boost for INSTC as the port will serve as a major node in INSTC. It will change the face of regional connectivity, trade with the landlocked countries of Central Asia and Afghanistan and provide an alternative route that connects the region to Russia and then Europe. INSTC will enable Indian traders to reach Central Asia more easily and in a more cost-effective manner. Experts believe that this will increase India's access to countries like Iran, Russia, Azerbaijan and the Baltic and Nordic.

INSTC will become an alternative to this route

INSTC is also being seen as an alternative to the Suez Canal trade route. According to a BBC report, about 12 percent of global trade, one million barrels of oil and 8 million barrels of natural gas pass through the canal every day. The Israel-Hamas war has made this route unsafe. In such a situation, the INSTC corridor can be an important route, which India needs to increase its trade in Central Asia. If India starts taking advantage of Chabahar port for the INSTC route, then energy, pharmaceuticals, information technology, health, agriculture, textiles and gems and jewelery will benefit greatly.

10 countries included in the corridor network

10 countries of the world are included in the network of this corridor. It will be used more than other routes. The reason for this is that it will be 30 percent cheaper and 40 percent shorter than the Suez Canal route. That is, if it takes 10 days to reach via the Suez Canal, then it will take only 6 days through this route.

Russia wants to increase the use of this route due to international sanctions. With its help, India will be directly connected to Central Asia. Besides, this will also increase the use of Chabahar, whose management is currently the responsibility of India.


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