First train hijacking, now attack on army; BLA's double attack on Pakistan in 5 days

Bla Attack Pak / First train hijacking, now attack on army; BLA's double attack on Pakistan in 5 days
Bla Attack Pak - First train hijacking, now attack on army; BLA's double attack on Pakistan in 5 days
Bla Attack Pak: The Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA) has once again carried out a major attack in Pakistan. The organization has claimed that they killed 90 soldiers by attacking a Pakistani army convoy on the Nuski Highway. According to the BLA, this is their second major attack in the last five days, which has raised serious questions on the security system of Pakistan.

Details of the attack

The Majeed Brigade of the BLA attacked a convoy of Pakistani soldiers traveling in 8 buses on the Nuski Highway. The Fatah Brigade surrounded the army from all sides and first targeted some soldiers, after which suicide attacks were carried out on other buses. According to the report, the suicide attack was carried out through a Vehicle Borne Improvised Explosive Device (VBIED).

Noshki SHO Sumanali has also expressed apprehension of the death toll in this attack increasing. Many soldiers are badly injured, some of whom are said to be in critical condition. According to officials, grenades and rocket launchers were also used in this attack.

Increasing attacks in Balochistan

The Balochistan Liberation Army has previously carried out several major attacks on the Pakistani army. Recently, a Pakistani army convoy was blown up by a bomb blast on the C-Pak road in Tarbat. These attacks by the BLA are linked to the demand for independence in Balochistan.

Jaffar Express train hijack case

Another major incident took place in Pakistan on March 11, when the Jaffar Express train was hijacked. There were 450 passengers on board the train, of which 58 people died. The dead included 21 civilians, 4 Pakistani soldiers and 33 members of the BLA.

India accused

Pakistani officials said India was behind the train hijack, although India rejected these allegations outright. This is not the first time Pakistan has blamed India for the insurgent attacks in Balochistan. But the reality is that the people of Balochistan are demanding an independent nation separate from Pakistan, and in this struggle they are targeting the Pakistani army.

Tough challenge for the Pakistani army

The increasing violence and continuous attacks in Balochistan have posed a big challenge for the Pakistan army. Amidst the questions being raised on the security system, it is becoming clear that the movement of Baloch rebels is getting stronger instead of weakening.


The increasing attacks in Balochistan have become a serious crisis for Pakistan. It has become necessary for the Pakistani government and army to find a permanent solution to this problem, otherwise violence and instability in Balochistan may increase further.


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