A video from Bikar has been viral. Where Circle Officer Anil Kumar gave up with a girl. First slapped the girl and then jerking her ear and dropped it down. The girl has filed an FIR in Simri police station against CO. This matter belongs to the Bakkagaon Strip of the Zone area. Tell me, a woman living in Rampatta also filed a complaint against CO. While sealing the shop, he had accused CO Anil Kumar attacked his husband. Because of which he had serious injury.
The COMery block came here in the case of a dispute on the say of Anil Kumar Dhyak. As soon as the CO started abusing abuse. A girl present on the spot started making CO video. Just did not like this and began to beat the girl. His mobile broke slapped by the girl and her ear's earrings also broke down.
The girl has filed a FIR against the CO. It is being told that almost four days earlier, a woman of Simri Ramopatti was recorded in the FIR Simri police station to attack her husband.
There was a dispute in two parties about a public pathway in the Barakagaon Strip. One of them was complained to the local MLA Shambhnath Singh Yadav. The MLA asked the CO to see the case. After this, Anil Kumar went to the Chief of the spot. During the conversation with both parties, CO has become a dispute.
On this case, SDM Harendra Ram said that the incident has been reported by CO. This case is being examined. Whatever will be found guilty will be taken against it.