Government alert on Delta Plus variant, CM Gehlot gave important instructions

Rajasthan / Government alert on Delta Plus variant, CM Gehlot gave important instructions
Rajasthan - Government alert on Delta Plus variant, CM Gehlot gave important instructions
Jaipur. The State Government has become alerted when the first case of Delta Plus variant (Corona Delta Plus Variants) in Bikaner (Bikaner) district. Health Minister Raghu Sharma has exposed Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot with full information. After the meeting of the Cabinet Meeting), Transport Minister Pratap Singh Khachriyaswas said that the state government is focusing on health services in view of Corona's third wave. There will be no shortage of medicines and other medical materials in the state. He said that after coming to the first case in Bikaner, Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot (CM Ashok Gehlot) has expressed concern. He said that we are constantly in touch with the Central Government.

It is notable that the case has come up in 8 states in the country of Delta Plus variant. The first case in Rajasthan has come to the alert mode completely. Health Minister Raghu Sharma has summoned a full report from health officials and has given necessary guidelines.

In the meeting, more and more populations were discussed to prevent the third wave. The Council of Ministers expressed concern over the cases of Corona's Delta Plus variant in many states of many countries and India. It was reported in the meeting that according to experts, this new variant of Corona is being described extremely fatal and rapidly. In such a case, any kind of negligence can cause a big challenge. Members of the Council of Ministers said that the exemption in restrictions for business and other activities should be given only keeping in mind all the fears of the third wave. He emphasized the continuous crib of the Kovid Protocol and said that the common people should be continuously motivated to wear masks and the rules of social distinguishment.


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