Delhi Schools: Government will crack down on the business of schools, big money from books and uniforms is now closed

Delhi Schools - Government will crack down on the business of schools, big money from books and uniforms is now closed
| Updated on: 05-May-2022 10:05 PM IST
Private schools in Delhi: The Delhi government has cracked down on private schools that earn big money from parents in the name of books and school dress. Private schools will no longer be able to force parents to buy expensive books and school uniforms. Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia said that private schools should stop forcing parents to buy books and uniforms from specific vendors or be prepared to face strict action.

Education Minister issued strict orders

Let us inform that the Directorate of Education has issued an order saying that no private school will now compel parents to buy books, study material and school uniforms from themselves or from any specific vendor and strict action will be taken against them for doing so. . Education Minister Manish Sisodia said that lakhs of parents will benefit from this move of the government and they will not have to pay extra money to schools.

List to be made public on website

Under this order, private schools will already display the class wise list of books and other study material to be used in the coming session on the school website and at specific places as per rules so that parents can be made aware about it. Apart from this, the school will also display the address and telephone numbers of at least 5 shops near the school on its website from where parents can buy books and school uniforms. Also the school will not force the parents to buy these things from any specific vendor. Parents will be able to buy books and uniforms from any shop as per their convenience.

Parents will be able to take decision of their own free will

Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia said that, 'This order is a sigh of relief for those parents who were forced to pay huge amount for books and clothes in private schools. He said that due to Corona, people suffered a lot financially for the last two years. In such a situation, it is difficult for parents to buy expensive books and school uniforms from a specific shop or school. In such a situation, this order of the government will prove to be very helpful for the parents teaching their children in private schools and will provide them the freedom to buy books and clothes for the children from any place according to their convenience.

List to be issued before new session

Sisodia said that parents have every right to get proper information about books and dress for the coming session before the new session so that they can arrange it according to their convenience. Not schools force them to buy these things from themselves or from their favorite shops. He said that the aim of education should be to shape the future of the country, not to earn money.

School for education, not for business

Explain that private unaided recognized schools are run by trusts or societies and they have no scope for profit making and commercialization. In such a situation, this order will crack down on all those private schools which used to earn profit by taking big money from parents in the name of books and school dress. Also, the Directorate of Education has given instructions that no private school will change the colour, design and other specifications of the school dress for at least 3 years.