Government's vision, Northeast-emergency... important points of the President's address

President Murmu Speech / Government's vision, Northeast-emergency... important points of the President's address
President Murmu Speech - Government's vision, Northeast-emergency... important points of the President's address
President Murmu Speech: President Draupadi Murmu addressed the joint session of Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha on Thursday. This was the first address of the President after the formation of the 18th Lok Sabha. During this, President Draupadi Murmu presented the vision of the government to the country. She also mentioned the Emergency of 1975. When the President took the name of North East in his address, the opposition started a ruckus. MPs of opposition parties raised slogans.

What did the President say in his address?

The President also mentioned the Emergency in his address. He said that there was an uproar in the country in 1975. The Emergency was the biggest and darkest chapter of a direct attack on the Constitution. During the Emergency, the whole country was plunged into darkness but the country was successful in defeating such unconstitutional powers. The President said that everyone should condemn every attempt to harm our democracy. Divisive forces are conspiring to weaken democracy, create a rift in the society from within and outside the country. President Draupadi Murmu said that it is the government's constant effort to ensure that the youth of the country get ample opportunity to showcase their talent.. My government is committed to a fair investigation of the recent incidents of paper leak. The culprits will be punished severely. Even before this, we have seen papers being leaked in various states. For this, there is a need to rise above party politics and make a strict law by the Parliament.

President Draupadi Murmu said, modernization in our forces is necessary for a strong India. In the event of war, we should be the best - for this, the process of reform in the forces should continue. With this thinking, my government has taken many important steps in the last 10 years… In the last decade, our defense exports have increased 18 times to Rs 21,000 crore.

President Draupadi Murmu said, my government has started giving citizenship to refugees under the CAA law. This has ensured a life of dignity for many families suffering from partition. I wish a better future for the families who have got citizenship under CAA.

President Draupadi Murmu said, the government has provided an amount of more than Rs 3 lakh 20 thousand crore to the farmers of the country under PM Kisan Samman Nidhi. Since the beginning of the new term of my government, an amount of more than Rs 20,000 crore has been transferred to the farmers. The government has also made a record increase in MSP for Kharif crops. Today's India is changing its agricultural system keeping in mind its current needs. Nowadays the demand for organic products is increasing rapidly in the world. Indian farmers have the full capacity to meet this demand, so the government is strengthening the supply chain of natural farming and related products.

As President Draupadi Murmu mentioned the North East in her address, opposition MPs created a ruckus. The MPs raised slogans during this time.

President Draupadi Murmu said, the coming time is of Green Era. The government is taking every necessary step for this as well. We are increasing investment in green industries, which has also increased green jobs.

President Draupadi Murmu said, this was the world's largest election. About 64 crore voters have performed their duty with enthusiasm and zeal. This time too, women have participated in voting in large numbers. A very pleasant picture of this election has also emerged from Jammu and Kashmir. Many decades of voting records have been broken in the Kashmir Valley.

President Draupadi Murmu said, my government is giving equal importance to all three pillars of the economy - manufacturing, services and agriculture. PLI schemes and ease of doing business are increasing investment and employment opportunities on a large scale. Along with traditional sectors, sunrise sectors are also being promoted on mission mode.

The President said, the resolve to reform, perform and transform has made India the fastest growing economy in the world today. President Draupadi Murmu said, after six decades, a stable government with full majority has been formed in the country. People have expressed confidence in this government for the third time. People know that only this government can fulfill their aspirations…The 18th Lok Sabha is a historic Lok Sabha in many ways.

He said, this Lok Sabha was formed in the early years of Amritkaal. This Lok Sabha will also witness the 56th year of adoption of the Constitution of the country…In the upcoming sessions, this government is going to present the first budget of its tenure. This budget will be an effective document of the far-reaching policies of the government and its vision for the future. Along with big economic and social decisions, many historic steps will also be seen in this budget.

President's first address in the 18th Lok Sabha

This was President Murmu's first address to a joint session of Parliament after the formation of the 18th Lok Sabha. The first session of the new Lok Sabha began on Monday. The 264th session of the Rajya Sabha is starting today i.e. Thursday.

According to Article 87 of the Constitution, the President is required to address a joint session of Parliament at the beginning of the session after each Lok Sabha election. The President also addresses a joint meeting of both the Houses in the first session of Parliament every year. Through the President's address, the government outlines its programs and policies. This address also highlights the steps taken by the government in the previous year and tells the priorities for the coming year.

In the recently held general elections, the ruling BJP-led NDA retained power for the third consecutive time by winning 293 seats. However, this number is much less than the BJP's expectations as it was expecting more than 400 seats for the ruling alliance. The opposition has emerged stronger in the elections and the India Alliance won 234 seats, including 99 seats of the Congress, which is almost double the 52 seats won in 2019.

President Draupadi Murmu mentioned reform in the army

President Draupadi Murmu said that modernization in our forces is necessary for a strong India. To make us the best in the event of war, the process of reform in the forces should continue. With this thinking, my government has taken many important steps in the last 10 years... In the last decade, our defense exports have increased 18 times to reach Rs 21,000 crore


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