Groom bowed down and touched the feet of bride, befitting reply on viral picture

Special / Groom bowed down and touched the feet of bride, befitting reply on viral picture
Special - Groom bowed down and touched the feet of bride, befitting reply on viral picture
Special | A picture is going viral on the internet, in which a groom bows his head in the footsteps of a bride. People are expressing surprise in this viral picture. However, there are many reasons behind this picture going viral. According to Indian tradition, the bride touches her husband's feet after the wedding. People are surprised after seeing this picture and are asking why after all?

the groom touches the bride's feet

This picture that went viral on Twitter was shared by Dr. Ajit Warwandkar has shared on his official account. Along with sharing this picture, he has written a heart touching caption. Dr. Ajit wrote, 'When the groom's program was completed, the groom bowed his head at the bride's feet, then all the housemates and baratis present in the wedding ceremony were stunned.'

post going viral on twitter

When the picture went viral, he wrote in response on behalf of the groom, 'This is what will carry my lineage forward, Lakshmi of my house will bring it. My parents will respect and serve them. Will make me happy like a father. Death in childbirth will touch death for my child. This is the foundation of my house. Only by its behavior will my identity be made in the society. Leaving her parents, she has come after me for me. By breaking ties with loved ones, he has attached ties with me.

Groom gave heart touching answer

At last Dr. Ajit Warwandkar wrote in his post, 'When she can do all this, can't we even give a little respect Is it humor to bow down in the feet of these women, then I don't care about the age.'


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