Had gone to withdraw Rs 1400, the woman got 7417 crores in the account, then....
Viral News / Had gone to withdraw Rs 1400, the woman got 7417 crores in the account, then....
Viral News - Had gone to withdraw Rs 1400, the woman got 7417 crores in the account, then....
When an elderly woman in Florida, USA saw her bank balance, her senses were blown away. He had never imagined that he would have such a huge amount in his account. This amount was about $ 1 billion i.e. in billions of rupees according to the Indian currency. When the elderly woman came to know about this to the bank officials, then the whole matter could be exposed.Julia Yankowski, an elderly woman from Florida, went to the ATM to withdraw $ 20, but during the withdrawal the ATM machine alerted her that she would have to pay a charge for withdrawing this amount. Ignoring the warning given by the machine, he continued with the transaction.After this, when Julia checked her bank balance, her senses were blown away. In the bank receipt, he had $ 999,985,855.94 in his account i.e. Rs 7417 crore according to Indian currency.Julia told that she was very scared to see this. She said that 'I was scared seeing this. I think a lot of people would be thinking that I won the lottery, but it was very intimidating.Julia further told that 'When I put 20 dollars in the machine to withdraw, a message came from there that we will give you 20 dollars but you will be charged for it.When Julia came to know that crores and billions of rupees were lying in her account, despite this she did not touch that amount. She says, 'I am aware of such stories, in which people first took money out, then later they had to pay that money. I will not do anything to her because she is not my money.'However, on Tuesday, this story of one billion dollars was cleared by the cash chase bank. Bank officials told WFLA that Julia's bank account balance was in fact negative. This type of number is used when there is suspicious activity in any bank account. This was the reason that when Julia wanted to withdraw $ 20 from her account, she could not withdraw even such a small amount.According to the bank representative, Julia had a joint account with her late husband in the bank. When Julia tried to use it, a green alert was given by the bank, which led to this manipulation of numbers in the bank account.