Husband hit a nail in wife's private part, there was a dispute late at night

Uttar Pradesh / Husband hit a nail in wife's private part, there was a dispute late at night
Uttar Pradesh - Husband hit a nail in wife's private part, there was a dispute late at night
A surprising case has come to light from Rampur in Uttar Pradesh. Where a man hit a nail in his wife's private part. It is being told that there was a dispute between the husband and wife over some issue. After which the husband in anger crossed all limits of cruelty with his wife. After this incident, the woman lodged a complaint against her husband in the women's police station. The victim told the police that due to a domestic dispute, her husband first abused her and in anger, the husband hammered a nail in her private part.

Nailed in wife's private part

A written complaint has been given on behalf of the victim in the police station, after which her medical examination was done by the police. However, this development changed rapidly and after sitting together for several hours, a settlement was reached.

The victim told that her husband came home after drinking alcohol and started fighting. After this he put a nail in my private part. Around 12 o'clock in the night, when he gave voice to his mother and father. But no one heard my voice.

domestic dispute between husband and wife

At the same time, according to the jurisdictional officer Milak Shrikant Prajapati, a complaint has been made by a woman in the police station area, from whose thorough investigation it was found that there was a dispute between husband and wife. In which the woman accused her husband that her husband assaulted her and hit a nail in her private part.

After the complaint of the victim, her medical was done. The two have reconciled again. After investigation, it was found that it was a case of mutual dispute between husband and wife. Necessary action has been taken by the police in this.


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