Husband made second marriage, first wife did road jam with women

Jharkhand / Husband made second marriage, first wife did road jam with women
Jharkhand - Husband made second marriage, first wife did road jam with women
His first wife has opened the front against a husband in Dhanbad of Jharkhand and he has come to the streets for his right. Actually, a husband has created a second marriage to his first wife. The first wife has made help from the police and jammed the road when there was no hearing.

The first wife has given her argument that according to the Hindu Marriage Act, a wife's second marriage can not be done, but the police could not judge justice. The first wife's family also got a ruckus on the road and jammed the GT Road, connecting the Mughma to Mugha. This is called Grand Trunk Road, connecting GT Road Howrah and Delhi.

In support of the victim's woman, members of the women's committee also came forward and started demanding justice to the victim. Now this matter is catching the stool. At the same time, the first wife Pushpa Devi has started the movement on the Mughma GT Road of Mayan Police area about the demand of justice.

Pushpa Devi sat down on the road, in which a member of the Women's Committee began to sloganeously sit on the road between his support. This movement of women has jumped from the queue of large trains on GT Road. Pushpa Devi said that she is very upset with her husband Umesh Yadav and in-laws. Her husband and in-laws torture them and also assault.

Pushpa Devi has complained written in Dhanasa police station about this matter, but the police did not take action. He has started the movement on the streets for justice. Members of the Women's Committee are also standing to get justice in support of Pushpa. He said that every fight is ready to give justice to Pushpa. Wherever you are ready to go for justice.

After receiving the information of the case, the police reached the spot and assured the woman's action. In charge of the police station, Subhash Singh removed the road jam after the assessment of action. Police say that further action will be filed by filing FIR about the case.


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