CM Bhagwant Mann: Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann on Tuesday accused the BJP-led central government of being 'anti-Punjab' and said that if it had its way, it would have no hesitation in removing 'Punjab' from the national anthem. Mann criticized the Center for allegedly withholding the state's rural development funds and forcing it to demand its share in Goods and Services Tax collection.
'Anti-Punjab mentality of BJP government'Participating in the debate after the introduction of the Punjab Goods and Services Tax (Amendment) Bill, 20123, on the first day of the two-day assembly session, Mann alleged that the BJP government at the Center has an 'anti-Punjab mentality'. He said that Punjab leads the country in food grain contribution and has the highest representation in the army, but sadly the Center has always neglected the state. "Every day they do something which shows that Punjab is not a part of this country...BJP is anti-Punjab," he said.
'BJP state head maintains silence'Describing BJP as anti-Punjab, CM said that where there is no government there, send ED or CBI. Trouble the government. Center stopped RDF money. The rules were modified but funds were not released. My mind says that if I stop MSP then I will stop giving loans. File a complaint against farmers for burning stubble as if stubble burning is done only in Punjab and the state head of BJP is maintaining silence on this.