'If Nitish was not with us, BJP would have been out at 0'- Big statement by Bihar minister Jama Khan

BJP-JDU Alliance / 'If Nitish was not with us, BJP would have been out at 0'- Big statement by Bihar minister Jama Khan
BJP-JDU Alliance - 'If Nitish was not with us, BJP would have been out at 0'- Big statement by Bihar minister Jama Khan
BJP-JDU Alliance: A minister and JDU leader of Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar has made a statement on Thursday which may not be liked by the BJP. The state's Minority Welfare Minister Mohammad Jama Khan said that if Nitish Kumar was not with the BJP in Bihar, it would have been difficult for it to win even a single seat in the Lok Sabha elections. Khan said that the people of Bihar trust the face of Nitish Kumar. He said that even after the Bihar assembly elections to be held in 2025, the government will be formed in the state under the leadership of Nitish Kumar.

'Supporters wanted Nitish to become the Prime Minister'

Jama Khan, while singing praises of Nitish Kumar, said, 'If Nitish Kumar was not with the BJP, it would have been out at 0. The people of Bihar trust the face of Nitish Kumar. The government that has been formed at the Center has been formed with the support of Nitish Kumar. They have compromised. All the supporters of Nitish wanted him to become the Prime Minister but he considered it necessary to form the central government. NDA government was formed at the Center under the leadership of Nitish Kumar while people were talking about all sorts of things. In Bihar too, a government will be formed under the leadership of Nitish Kumar in 2025.'

'Corruption is not tolerated in Nitish government'

On the cancellation of 350 tenders in the PHED department in Bihar, Minister Jama Khan said that corruption is not tolerated in Nitish Kumar's government. He said that whoever is involved in wrongdoing, no matter how influential he is, he will not be spared. He said that the irregularities in the departments are being reviewed and if something wrong is found, action will be taken. Let us tell you that during the Mahagathbandhan government, 350 tenders worth Rs 826 crore in the Public Health Engineering Department (PHED) have been cancelled. These tenders were for rural water supply system and now they will be invited afresh.


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