Imran Khan announced to form a Rehmatul Lil Alameen authority schools curriculum to change

Pakistan / Imran Khan announced to form a Rehmatul Lil Alameen authority schools curriculum to change
Pakistan - Imran Khan announced to form a Rehmatul Lil Alameen authority schools curriculum to change
Pakistan | The way Pakistan's Prime Minister Imran Khan Niazi is basking in the glory of the fundamentalist Islamist group, engulfed by the Taliban's occupation in Afghanistan, it was already indicated that he wants to take his country on the same path. Now they have started taking steps in this direction as well. On Sunday, he announced the formation of the Rahmatul Lil Alameen Authority, awarding himself the contract to present the 'true picture of Islam in the world'. The matter was fine till this point, but the very next moment he also clarified its real purpose and said that the job of this authority is to change the education system of Pakistan according to Sharia. It is believed that Imran Khan has in a way laid the 'foundation of Taliban' in the country.

Let us tell you that the Taliban, which recently occupied Afghanistan on the basis of guns, also started as a student organization, which describes itself as an advocate of Islam and adherent of Sharia. The way Imran praises an organization that commits cruelty in the name of Sharia, it is feared that Imran may also follow the same path.

While addressing the Ashra-e-Rahmatul Lil Alameen (PBUH) organized in Islamabad, Imran Khan linked it with the development of the country and said that no country can progress by lowering its moral values. Imran said, "Many scholars will be part of it (authority). One of the functions of this authority would be to tell the world what Islam really is.

The Prime Minister of Pakistan said that eminent scholars would be part of this authority, which would oversee the curriculum of schools. Taliban Khan said, "They will tell us whether the curriculum needs to be changed." Imran, who had failed to protect the minorities in the country, also said that other religions would be taught as well. Imran Khan also made it clear that media and social media will also have to follow Sharia experts. He said that a scholar will look into the issues related to media and social media.

Imran Khan said that the authority will be given the task of making cartoons according to their culture. "Cartoons are showing foreign culture to our children. We cannot stop them, but we can give them options. Imran Khan said that the authority will also assess the advantages and disadvantages of western civilization on Pakistani society. "When you bring western civilization into the country, there is also a need to assess the damage it is doing to us," he said.


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