In the video, the fan said – Bigg Boss was better, Shehnaz Gill replied – said only thin girls in the industry…

Entertainment / In the video, the fan said – Bigg Boss was better, Shehnaz Gill replied – said only thin girls in the industry…
Entertainment - In the video, the fan said – Bigg Boss was better, Shehnaz Gill replied – said only thin girls in the industry…
Contestant Shahnaj Gill of 'Big Boss 13' of the TV's Popular Reality Show, No Introduction Their transformations have been in a fairly discussion. Actress Shahnaz Gill, born in Chandigarh nowadays, are quite active in the TV industry. Millions of hearts rule. Their social media are 7.7 million followers on Instagram. Now actress has also been active on YouTube. He has recently posted his first video, on which the fans are comforted.

Seeing the video of Shahnaz Gill is a fan comment after one. A fan wrote, "Shahnaz Mam, you looked better during the Big Boss." As soon as Shahnaz saw this user's comment, he wrote while replying, "There will be more food for him. In the industry, thin girls run here." Shahnaz Gill had surprised everyone from his transformation a few months ago. Actress in Kovid-19 Lockdown had lose weight by 12 kg. Fans started discussing a lot about their weight loss.

Shahnaj Gill had made a photoshoot by wearing Orange Crop Top and Blue Jeans, on which the users had commented that Mam, how are you so thin? Let us also tell the secret. Another user wrote that I will not sleep today. Look at yourself. I have not seen such a transformation in my life. You are looking like a Hollywood model.

Talking about Personal Front, Shahnaz Gill's name has been associated with the actor Siddharth Shukla. Even in reality show, both the friendship and strong bonding had a lot of headlines. Shahnaz was not only in the show but even after coming out of his Feelings to Siddhartha.


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