In which states and UTs has the petrol price crossed ₹100 per litre mark?

Petrol-Diesel / In which states and UTs has the petrol price crossed ₹100 per litre mark?
Petrol-Diesel - In which states and UTs has the petrol price crossed ₹100 per litre mark?
New Delhi: For the first time in the tricity’s history, petrol prices crossed the ₹100 per litre mark, reaching ₹100.20 in Mohali district on Saturday.

This comes after fuel prices were hiked for the fourteenth time this month. With this, Punjab became one of the 11 states and union territories in the country where the price of petrol has gone into three digits.

Fuel remains most expensive in Mohali, with even diesel priced at ₹91.58 per litre. In Panchkula, petrol is available for ₹95.63 and diesel for ₹89.05, followed by ₹94.35 and ₹88.29, respectively, in Chandigarh.

“This is unprecedented. Before 2021, a price of even ₹80 per litre was considered excessive,” said Ashwinder Mongia, president, Mohali Petroleum Dealers Association, while blaming the central and state governments for “exploiting the common man”.

“Petrol pumps in Punjab are suffering huge losses due to the price disparity with Chandigarh. This is not a viable business anymore. We will consider holding protests to catch the attention of the authorities. The government must start imposing GST on fuel to regularise the taxes,” he said.

The rising diesel prices have transporters in the tricity worried too. BL Sharma, general secretary, Chandigarh Transport Association, said: “Prices of daily use items and vegetables are likely to rise if this trend continues. At present, many transporters are operating on losses due to the scarcity of work, but once the pandemic situation improves, the prices will go up.”


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