India reports 62224 new COVID19 cases and 2542 deaths in last 24 hours

Coronavirus / India reports 62224 new COVID19 cases and 2542 deaths in last 24 hours
Coronavirus - India reports 62224 new COVID19 cases and 2542 deaths in last 24 hours
Coronavirus: Within the last 24 hours, 62 thousand 224 new cases of corona virus have been registered in the country, which is slightly more than the previous day. According to the latest data released by the Ministry of Health, the total number of corona infected across the country has now reached 2 crore 96 lakh 33 thousand 105. At the same time, 2 thousand 542 people also lost their lives due to corona during this period, which is slightly less than the previous day. During this, the active cases in the country have also come down to below 9 lakh. This has happened after 70 days when the active cases of corona in the country have come down to below 9 lakhs.

So far, a total of 3 lakh 79 thousand 573 corona patients have died in the country. It is a matter of relief that within 24 hours, 1 lakh 7 thousand 628 patients of Corona have been cured. This is the 34th consecutive day when the number of people recovering from it is more than the new cases of corona.

Out of the total corona infected in the country, 2 crore 83 lakh 88 thousand 100 patients have been cured. At present, there are 8 lakh 65 thousand 432 active cases of corona in the country.

In the last 24 hours, 28 lakh 458 vaccines of corona virus were installed in the country, after which the total vaccination figure was 26 crore 19 lakh 72 thousand 14.


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