India reports less than 1 lakh fresh Covid cases after 63 days and more than 2100 deaths

Coronavirus / India reports less than 1 lakh fresh Covid cases after 63 days and more than 2100 deaths
Coronavirus - India reports less than 1 lakh fresh Covid cases after 63 days and more than 2100 deaths
Coronavirus: Less than one lakh new cases of corona virus have been registered in India within the last 24 hours. For the first time after 63 days, less than one lakh cases of corona have been registered in India. At the same time, after 66 days, there have been so few cases of corona. According to the latest data of the Ministry of Health, there have been 86,498 new cases of corona virus within a day across the country.

It is a matter of relief that there has also been a decline in the death toll during this period. In the last 24 hours, 2123 patients died due to this infection in the country.

The number of active cases of corona in the country has also come down to 13 lakh 3 thousand 702. Within the last 24 hours, 97 thousand 907 active cases have come down. Within a day, 1 lakh 82 thousand 282 corona patients have been cured in the country. This is the 26th consecutive day when the number of patients recovering from corona is more than the daily cases.

The rate of recovery from corona in the country is also increasing and it has now reached 94.29 percent. At the same time, the weekly infection rate has come down to 5.94 percent. The daily infection rate in India has been below 10 percent for 15 consecutive days and it was 4.62 percent in the last day also.

According to ICMR, so far 36 crore 82 lakh 7 thousand 596 samples of corona have been tested across the country. Out of these, 18 lakh 73 thousand 485 samples have been tested on June 7. At the same time, so far 23,61,98,726 people have got corona vaccine. Of these, 33,64,476 doses have been given on June 7.


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