India third Covid 19 wave may arrive by October says Report

Coronavirus / India third Covid 19 wave may arrive by October says Report
Coronavirus - India third Covid 19 wave may arrive by October says Report
Coronavirus | With the second wave of corona slowing down in India, the fears of the third wave and preparations to deal with it have gained momentum. Meanwhile, some medical experts have expressed the possibility that the third wave of the epidemic may arrive in India by October. In the survey conducted by the news agency Reuters, experts have also said that India will fight the third wave better than the second wave. He has said that the corona epidemic will remain a cause of concern for public health for at least one more year.

40 healthcare specialists, doctors, scientists, virologists and epidemiologists from around the world were included in this survey. In this survey conducted between June 3-17, 85% or 21 out of 24 experts who believed that there would be a third wave said that the third wave would come by October. Three others have predicted its arrival in August, while 12 have predicted its launch in September. Others said that the third wave could come between November and February.

However, 24 out of 34 experts agreed that India will deal with the third wave better than the second wave. The peak of the second wave in India was in April-May. Record cases were registered in the country during this period. More than four lakh cases were registered in 24 hours and there was shortage of oxygen, medicine and hospital beds in many parts of the country. However, since then there has been a rapid decrease in corona cases and 62 thousand new patients have been found on Friday.

Dr. Randeep Guleria, Director, AIIMS said, “The third wave will be more controlled as vaccination will accelerate further, thereby reducing the number of cases. Apart from this, this wave will bring some degree of natural immunity. 26 out of 40 reported that children would be at higher risk, while the remaining 14 said they would not. 30 participants estimated that the corona epidemic will remain a threat to public health in India for at least one more year.


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