China-Nepal Border: India warned Bhutan settlement Chinese villages border area Doklam

China-Nepal Border - India warned Bhutan settlement Chinese villages border area Doklam
| Updated on: 22-Jul-2022 03:00 PM IST
China is not deterring from its expansionist attitude on the border. He has once again expressed his nefarious intentions in Doklam and there are reports of him settling down the village. India has warned the neighboring country Bhutan about this. Beijing aims to strengthen its claims on the areas around the 3488-km Line of Actual Boundary (LAC) with India. At the same time, it also wants to dominate the 477-km border with Bhutan.

According to experts monitoring China's affairs, the Xi Jinping government is working on a plan to build model villages and then settle in disputed areas near the LAC and with Bhutan. There is also a preparation to settle ex-servicemen here. This is part of President Jinping's policy of changing the population balance to strengthen the 'Han Chinese rule' in Tibet.

Images captured by MAXAR were released to the media on Tuesday. Cars and gardens were seen in a Chinese utopian village, located near Amu Chu. Through these, China wants to end the demand for separatism by the followers of Tibetan Buddhism in the autonomous region. Along with this, it is doing the same in Sunni-majority Xinjiang province.

'India's eye on all developments'

India maintains that it monitors all developments affecting its security. On this matter, Ministry of External Affairs spokesperson Arindam Bagchi said that the government takes necessary steps accordingly in such a case. "We keep an eye on all developments that may have a bearing on national security and take action accordingly," he said.

India and China had a 73-day standoff in the Doklam area when China attempted to expand the road in the area claimed by Bhutan. Efforts are on to resolve the border dispute between India and China through dialogue. In the meeting of the last senior military commanders held on 17 July, the two sides also talked about restoring the status quo as of April 2020.