Chiranjeevi Yojana: Indian stent rate reduced, foreign price doubled, shock to Make in India

Chiranjeevi Yojana - Indian stent rate reduced, foreign price doubled, shock to Make in India
| Updated on: 14-Aug-2022 06:09 AM IST
Chiranjeevi Yojana : In the era of 'Make in India' slogan, stent manufacturing Indian companies have suffered a major setback. The government has reduced the cost of stents of Indian companies being fitted to cardio patients in the state from Rs 31,600 to Rs 12,500 under the Chiranjeevi scheme. Whereas for multinational companies (US FDA approved), the price has been fixed at Rs 23625 per stent. That is, the companies which are USFDA approved, the insurance company will give Rs 23625 per stent.

Due to this huge difference in rates, there is a danger of this business of 230 crores going into the hands of foreign companies annually. Angered by this, many private hospitals did not even perform angioplasty on Saturday. In such a situation, the concern of patients related to cardio (heart attack and artery block) has also increased.

Indian companies' turnover of more than 230 crores: Under Chiranjeevi Yojana, more than 6000 stents of Indian companies are installed in the state every month. At the rate of Rs 31,600 per stent, a monthly consumption of 19 crore stents is being done. Now this value has come down to Rs 7 crore due to reduction in price. This business is also in danger of shifting to multinational companies. Because it is believed that now most hospitals will install those stents, which cost more.

Let us tell you that the day the government increased the package for kidney treatment, it reduced the rate on the same day but did not make it public. Center fixed the rate, DCGI approved: To promote Make in India, the rate of stents of Indian companies was fixed by the Central Government at Rs 31,600. If the quality was questioned, the Drug Controller General of India (DCGI) did an investigation and approval. Hospital said - it is not possible to put a stent in the rate of both

It is not possible to implant a stent in either of these two costs. Because the rate was already getting very low. Were only government hospitals or companies spoken to before the verdict? We will talk to the government. Angiography was done on Saturday only. Angioplasty was performed only in cases of extreme emergency. If the government's right area is USFDA only, then an Indian registered institution should not be formed. -Doctor. Yes. Ale. Sharma, Jaipur Hospital, Dr. Prakash Chandwani, Jaipur Heart and General Hospital, Dr. Sanjay Sharma, Agrasen Hospital