Indias high-flying defense successfully test-fires the first Naval Anti-Ship Missile

Indian Navy / Indias high-flying defense successfully test-fires the first Naval Anti-Ship Missile
Indian Navy - Indias high-flying defense successfully test-fires the first Naval Anti-Ship Missile
The Ministry of Defense is putting full emphasis on making the country self-reliant in the field of defense. In this episode, different government organizations are doing many research, making many weapons. Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO) is doing maximum work in this direction. He has made many modern weapons and is working on many. On 18 May 2022, DRDO has recorded another special achievement. Let us tell you in detail what is this achievement.

successful test

In fact, the Indian Navy in collaboration with DRDO successfully test-fired the first indigenously developed naval anti-ship missile from Seaking 42B helicopter at ITR Balasore Odisha on 18 May. Its firing was successful. This firing is a significant step towards achieving self-reliance in specific missile technology and reflects the commitment of the Indian Navy towards indigenisation.

India is constantly trying

Let us tell you that India is constantly moving towards becoming self-reliant in the defense sector. The government has reviewed all the pending defense procurement plans from abroad. Last year, the government had decided that only those defense equipment which would be very important would be procured. All other pending purchases will either be canceled or will be deducted. The government had also made a rule that no defense equipment would be procured from any country. Defense equipment will be procured from abroad only in case of emergency.

agreed last year

In December 2021, in the internal meeting of the Defense Ministry chaired by Defense Secretary Ajay Kumar, it was agreed in principle that India would not import defense equipment in future. Even after this, many meetings were held on this issue.