Iran is not backing down from Lebanon despite crisis on its own, it has opened its treasur

Iran funds Hezbollah / Iran is not backing down from Lebanon despite crisis on its own, it has opened its treasur
Iran funds Hezbollah - Iran is not backing down from Lebanon despite crisis on its own, it has opened its treasur
Iran funds Hezbollah: Iran has been facing hundreds of economic and political sanctions for many years. These sanctions have badly affected the country's economy. Inflation, unemployment, and falling currency have made the lives of the people a struggle. Despite this, Iran is active in funding organizations like Hezbollah under its foreign policy.

Huge help to Hezbollah from Iran

Hezbollah's Deputy Chief Naeem Qassim recently announced that $ 77 million will be provided to help about 2.5 million families in Lebanon. He clarified that a large part of this amount is being given by Iran.

This fund will be used mainly to compensate the families whose houses have been destroyed in Israeli attacks. Naeem Qassim said that each family will be given $ 8,000 as compensation, while additional assistance of $ 4 to $ 6,000 will be given for temporary housing.

Iran's internal situation: Deteriorating economy

At present, Iran's own economic situation is very serious. Decades of US sanctions and internal mismanagement have pushed the country to the brink of economic crisis.

Currency crisis: The Iranian rial has hit an all-time low against the US dollar. Recently, the value of 1 dollar reached 719,500 rials, a clear sign of the weakening of Iran's currency.

Inflation impact: According to the IMF, the inflation rate in Iran is estimated to be 31.7% this year. This figure is certainly lower than last year, but this double-digit inflation is still a big burden for Iranians.

Lack of infrastructure: President Masoud Pezeshkian warned this week that there could be a shortage of essential services such as electricity, water and gas in the country. The decline in foreign exchange reserves and rising expenses have made this crisis more severe.

Increasing scope of poverty and food crisis

The population living below the poverty line in Iran is continuously increasing. According to the Iran Chamber of Commerce Research Center, one-third of the country's population was below the poverty line as of March 2022. The food crisis this year has made the situation even worse.

Foreign policy and internal conflict

The biggest challenge for Iran is that despite the domestic economic crisis, it has been giving heavy financial assistance to regional organizations as part of its foreign policy. This latest aid to Hezbollah is part of this strategy. However, it is also being criticized within the country.

Future challenges

It should be a priority for Iran to stabilize its economy and provide relief to the public. Such heavy funding amid international sanctions can further increase domestic discontent.

This situation in Iran shows how economic and political complexities work together. Unless Iran balances its internal policies and makes new agreements internationally, its economy seems difficult to get back on track.


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