Israel-Hamas war will end! Biden gave a big statement regarding ceasefire

World News / Israel-Hamas war will end! Biden gave a big statement regarding ceasefire
World News - Israel-Hamas war will end! Biden gave a big statement regarding ceasefire
Israel-Hamas News: US President Joe Biden has expressed hope that there will be a ceasefire between Israel-Hamas by next Monday. He said that we are close to this decision. In response to a question from CNN, Biden said that I hope that we will reach a conclusion by the beginning of next week. Biden said, 'My national security adviser has told me that we are close. But it is not complete yet. And I hope that by next Monday we will have a ceasefire.

According to CNN, earlier on Monday, Hamas supported some key demands in negotiations for a hostage agreement and stopped fighting in Gaza. However, Israel called this position of Hamas illusory. However, sources say the two negotiating sides have reached an initial agreement that could lead to a halt in fighting and the release of a group of Israeli hostages.

Following a meeting in Paris between the intelligence chiefs of the US, Egypt and Israel and the prime minister of Qatar, a senior Biden administration official said, "Hamas insists that Israeli forces completely withdraw from Gaza and There should be an end to the war.


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