New Delhi: Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut (Kangana Ranaut) went to horse riding on Sunday morning. Kangna has posted a video on Instagram. In that clip, the actress is visible to the white horse wearing orange polo shirt with black pants.
This thing in the captionKangana Ranaut (Kangana Ranaut) wrote in the caption 'This morning's horseback riding.' Kangna shared a post on June 9, in which he was craving for that person who was for him. Along with this, the actress shared a beautiful picture in the ideas.
This movie is eagerly waitingTalking about his work, Kangna will be seen in 'Thalaavi'. The release of the film was postponed due to Kovid-19 epidemic.
This project also in queueHe is also a part of 'Tejas' and 'Dhakad' films and recently he has also announced a film called 'Tiku Weds Sheru' under his banner Manikarnika Films.