Kejriwal did not get relief from Supreme Court, will have to stay in jail - know what the court said

Arvind Kejriwal News / Kejriwal did not get relief from Supreme Court, will have to stay in jail - know what the court said
Arvind Kejriwal News - Kejriwal did not get relief from Supreme Court, will have to stay in jail - know what the court said
Arvind Kejriwal News: Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, who is in jail in the Delhi liquor scam case, did not get relief from the Supreme Court today. The petition demanding his early release will now be heard in the Supreme Court on Wednesday. The Supreme Court said that let us hear this matter on Wednesday, if the High Court order comes, it should be taken on record. Let us tell you that Kejriwal has challenged the decision of the Delhi High Court to put an interim stay on his release in the Supreme Court. Kejriwal's petition states that the High Court has stayed the bail order ignoring the established legal process and tradition. In this regard, the basic principles of justice and bail established in the country have also been violated.

With political reference, the petition also states that due to being a critic of the ruling party at the Center, he has had to suffer the displeasure and discriminatory process of the ED.

The High Court had stayed the bail on the application of ED

Meanwhile, ED and Kejriwal's lawyers will submit written arguments in the Delhi High Court today on the petition challenging the lower court's order of CM Kejriwal's bail. The Delhi High Court has currently stayed the lower court's order of Kejriwal's release.

Rouse Avenue Court had granted bail

Let us tell you that Delhi's Rouse Avenue Court had granted bail to Arvind Kejriwal on Thursday in the money laundering case related to the excise scam. Special Judge Nyay Bindu had also rejected the ED's request to stay Arvind Kejriwal's bail order for 48 hours. ED could have gone to the higher court during the 48-hour stay. The special judge ordered the release of Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader Kejriwal on a personal bond of Rs 1 lakh. The court also imposed several conditions on the AAP leader, including that he would not try to obstruct the investigation or influence witnesses.

The High Court stayed the order

After this, the Enforcement Directorate knocked the door of the Delhi High Court on Friday. During the hearing, the Delhi High Court stayed the order of the local court and Arvind Kejriwal's bail started to be in danger. In such a situation, Arvind Kejriwal's lawyers have knocked the door of the Supreme Court regarding his bail. Arvind Kejriwal's lawyers had demanded that Kejriwal's bail plea be heard on Monday. Let us tell you that Arvind Kejriwal is lodged in Tihar Jail in the Delhi liquor scam case.


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