Lalu Yadav's appeal to ISRO from the platform of 'INDIA' - send Modi to Suryalok...

'INDIA' Alliance Meeting / Lalu Yadav's appeal to ISRO from the platform of 'INDIA' - send Modi to Suryalok...
'INDIA' Alliance Meeting - Lalu Yadav's appeal to ISRO from the platform of 'INDIA' - send Modi to Suryalok...
'INDIA' Alliance Meeting: Lalu Yadav was seen addressing from a public platform after a long time. And even when he came, he was seen in his usual style. When Lalu attacked his opponents from the platform of India, the attack was definitely sharp, but the sarcasm with which it was said, this sharp attack also tickled all the stalwarts of the alliance present there. Lalu Yadav had started the opposition attacks with taunts and jokes from the very first sentence. He greeted all the leaders sitting on the dais and at the same time took a jibe at Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his party BJP. Lalu said that except Modi's party, greetings to the leaders of all the parties of the country.

Lalu told the secret of BJP's success in a pinch

Lalu Yadav, while explaining the very serious issue very easily in his funny style, said that all the parties were standing separately and Modi was moving forward. The opposition was not united and one candidate did not stand on one seat and the country had to bear the brunt of it. Modi has benefited.

Tasteless tomatoes are also on the sky, Lalu explained the inflation

Wrapping it in taunts, he continued the attack and said, 'We were on the policy of BJP Hatao Desh Batao from the beginning. Minority is not safe in this country. Poverty and inflation are increasing. Okra has become 60 rupees per kg and then the price of tasteless tomatoes is also on the sky. After teaching the lesson of inflation, Lalu Yadav moved forward on the same old slogan of 15 lakhs of BJP.

Lalu XI had also opened a bank account for Rs 15 lakh.

Lalu Yadav said, 'These people i.e. BJP have come to power by spreading rumors by lying. Taking my name and many others' names, he had said that his money is in Swiss bank. Modi had said that we will bring this money and get 15 lakhs deposited in everyone's account". Lalu's attack went ahead and taking a jibe at his own family, Lalu said that "we too were deceived by this promise of BJP". Went and we also got our account opened.

He further said, 'My children and we husband and wife together become Eleven (11 people). If you multiply it by 15, you will get a lot of money. People from all over the country opened accounts. But what did you get? Not a single penny came. It was all these people's money.

Leave Chandralok, take Modi to Surya Lok, make a name in the world

The effect of increasing age is visible on Lalu's energy, but its effect is not visible in his funny style. Lalu's same typical style of cornering the opposition continues. Lalu Yadav recently also used the success of ISRO and Chandrayaan to corner his opponents.

Lalu Yadav said, 'After this success, Indian scientists are getting fame all over the world. The scientists of the country have done so much, we are appealing to our scientists to leave Modi ji in Chandralok and take him to Suryalok. So that Modi ji's name will become famous all over the world.

Attacking from the platform of India, Lalu Yadav also mentioned the action of ED and CBI. At the same time, he bluntly said that he has undergone many operations, his kidney has been transplanted and still his spirits are high and he will die only after removing Modi and BJP.


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