List of 887 dangerous viruses ready, 30 can bring epidemics in future

Viral News / List of 887 dangerous viruses ready, 30 can bring epidemics in future
Viral News - List of 887 dangerous viruses ready, 30 can bring epidemics in future
Very already from Kovid-19, scientists had started studying the virus found in the junistic virus i.e. animals. Because the fear of this was always that animals can infect humans. After all, the car has also been infected with such viruses. Gone killed Now a web-based platform has created the list of 887 animals present in the world. Of these, there are 30 viruses that can make humans very sick in the future. Or new pandemic spreads in the world

This study has taken more than ten years. The study has completed the contagious diseases of the University of California, Jona Maget. After that the list of the most infectious, dangerous and deadly 30 viruses has been created. It has also been reported that which virus can be destroyed. Jona Maget says that every virus is not an equal dangerous. There are only 30 viruses that have the strength of the epidemic. But the rest is not weak. He can also suffer huge losses at the level of country or province

These viruses are divided into three categories based on infection. First - National or Regional Second- semicolus ie semi-global and third-global ie global. First of all, we tell you the names of those viruses who can vertate trouble at any country or regional level. These include the Strains of Corona virus. Apart from this there is also Ebola virus spreading in African countries. But they are not the risk of global or semi-global epidemic.

These viruses showing impact at national or regional level are - Lasa Virus or Arenavirus), Ebola Virus or Philovirus (Ebola Virus or Filovirus), Marburg Virus or Philovirus (Marburg or Filovirus), SARS Coronavirus (SARS Coronavirus) , Coronavirus 229E (Coronavirus 229E), Beta Related Beta Coronavirus RP3 related to SARS, European Bat Lisa Virus 1 or Rabdovirus (European Bat Lyssa Virus or Rabdovirus), Andes Virus or Bedoirus (Andes Virus or Bunyavirus).

There are other viruses to infect humans at the national and regional level - Pumala Virus, Sheriffon Bat Corona Virus / Kenya / KY22 / 2006 (Chaerephon Bat Coronavirus), European Bat Lisavirus 2 (European Bat Lyssavirus 2), Laguna Negra Virus (Laguna Negra Virus), Idolon Bat Corona Virus (Eidolon Bat Coronavirus), Coopox Virus (Cowpox Virus).

There are viruses having the ability to spread infection at semi-global, semi-global level - SARS-COV-2 (SARS-COV-2), Seasonal Virus (Nipah Virus), Simian ImmuneDeficiency Virus or Retrovirus (Simian Immunodeficiency Virus or Retrovirus), Coronavirus Predict COV-35), Borna Disease Virus or Bornavirus (Borna Disease Virus or Bornavirus), Longquan Aa Mouse Corona Virus (Longquan Aa Mouse Coronavirus), Monkepox Virus (Monkeypox Virus) , Coronavirus Predict COV-24), Coronavirus Predict COV-24).

There are several viruses in the list of these 30 viruses, which can be rising from the national level and take the form of semi-global or global epidemic. Because their family has the strength of mutation. They can stand many new viruses. Therefore, many viruses may include in this list. This is an analysis based on infection and apprehension. There are viruses with global epidemic - Seoul Virus, Hepatitis E Virus or Hepevirus), Rabies Virus, Lymphocytic CorioNinjitis Virus (Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis Virus), Simian Phomi Virus (Simian Foamy Virus), Rousettus Bat Coronavirus HKU9), Murine Coronavirus, Macau Foamy Virus (Murine Coronavirus).

Humans are constantly exposed to animals. Therefore, there is also a risk of infection from the virus of animals. The viruses that are the most threat to human beings are - SARS-COV-2 (SARS-COV-2) Coronaires. Because this virus database contains nearly 887 viruses all over the world. Second - Simian Immunodeficiency Virus (Simian Immunodeficiency Virus - Siv), it came to humans from virus monkeys and due to this Hiv Epidemic spread. The third is- Corona Virus 229e (Coronavirus 229E), a different strain of this virus produces colds in humans. Murine Coronavirus This virus is therefore dangerous because it has seen multiple sclerosis in rats due to some strains. Macau Foamy Virus (Macaque Foamy Virus) This virus can be therefore dangerous because the relationship between humans and monkeys is very much.

Jona Maget and his team were surprised by the fact that these viruses are found in animals but they can infect humans to any level. Can make sick. You can also take life. Jona studied the infecture of these viruses 31 new factors come out and came out who is dangerous for humans. As how these viruses are transmitted, how many are their hosts, ie how to meet in the animals, ie they save themselves through human beings or other means. After checking these factors, the risk score of these 30 viruses came 155. Ie whose risk score 155