Lockdown extended in Haryana till June 21, but relief to shopkeepers, read new guidelines

Lockdown / Lockdown extended in Haryana till June 21, but relief to shopkeepers, read new guidelines
Lockdown - Lockdown extended in Haryana till June 21, but relief to shopkeepers, read new guidelines
Considering less Corona infection in Haryana, the government has decided to increase lockdown with some discount. Lockdown in Haryana has been extended to June 21. Also, the Aud-Even system has also been eliminated for shops in the state. Now all kinds of shops will be open daily. Shops will open up to 8 o'clock in the morning, but Knight Curfew will continue in the state. In Haryana, all the restaurants will open with 50 percent capacity from 10 am to 10 pm. Home delivery will be available till 10 o'clock.

Club House, Golf Course Restaurant and Bar 50 percent have the ability to open up to 10 pm from 10 pm to 10 pm. Maximum 21 people in weddings and funeral can be included. The procession or marriage party will not be allowed.

For the celebrations other than weddings and funeral, the maximum limit of guests is 50. The relevant deputy commissioner is required for such ceremonies.

With 50 percent capacity, the gym is allowed to open from 6 pm to 8 pm. In the religious place (in the open), maximum 21 people can go. Corporate office can work up to 50 percent with the number of employees. During this time the academic institution will be closed.

All production units, installations and industries are allowed to work. The game campus and the stadium can only allow players with proper Kovid Protocol. The audience will not be allowed.


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