Maharashtra reports its first death from Delta Plus COVID-19 variant

Coronavirus / Maharashtra reports its first death from Delta Plus COVID-19 variant
Coronavirus - Maharashtra reports its first death from Delta Plus COVID-19 variant
Mumbai: Maharashtra on Friday reported first confirmed death by the new Delta plus variant of Covid-19. The death was reported from Mumbai's Ghatkopar.  The patient who died in Maharashtra had high comorbidity, according to the doctors. 

Maharashtra has so far reported 20 cases of the Delta plus variant. The first one was reported in April this year amid the second wave of Covid 19.

The Mumbai toll takes the total death count by Delta plus variant in the country 2. Earlier, Madhya Pradesh had reported three deaths by this variant.

The Union Health Ministry earlier this week alerted Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh and Kerala, where the initial cases were found. Doctors claim that both persons who succumbed to the variant in Madhya Pradesh had not recieved COVID vaccination.

Total seven cases have been reported in Madhya Pradesh so far. While two of them died, other two who had also not recieved vaccination survived. One of them is a 22-year-old woman and the other a toddler aged two years.

Three patients, who received single or double doses of vaccine earlier, are cured or are under home isolation without any complication.

According to experts, the Delta Plus has been found in nine countries - US, UK, Portugal, Switzerland, Japan, Poland, Russia, China and India.


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