Italy : You may be surprised to hear that an Italian man was found to be infected with all three of Kovid 19, monkeypox and HIV at the same time. This was revealed in the test after complaints of sore throat, headache, tiredness, fever and burning sensation. This is the first known case in the world when a person has been found infected with all three diseases simultaneously.
The name of this person has not been given in the report published in the 'Journal of Infection'. According to the report, the person had gone to Spain on a 5-day trip and after 9 days of returning from there, all these symptoms started showing in him. On the third day of symptoms, the person was confirmed to be infected with Kovid 19.
The rash was followed by rashes on his face and other parts of the body. Panicked, the person reached the emergency department of the hospital and after that he was referred to the infectious diseases department.
According to the report, the infected person had wounds in other parts of the body as well as in the anus. Then monkeypox and HIV infection have also been confirmed in the test report. Sequencing of the SARS-CoV-2 genome revealed that he had been infected with Omicron's sub-variant BA.5.1 after he had been given both doses of Pfizer's vaccine.
The case study of the entire case was published in the journal on 19 August. He was discharged from the hospital after recovering from Kovid 19 and monkeypox. Now there is a cure for HIV infection.