Man threatened to kill PM Modi, Delhi Police arrested

Delhi / Man threatened to kill PM Modi, Delhi Police arrested
Delhi - Man threatened to kill PM Modi, Delhi Police arrested
New Delhi: Delhi Police has arrested a man who threatened to kill Prime Minister Narendra Modi. It is being told that last night a person named Salman called the police and threatened to kill PM Modi.The 22-year-old accused has been arrested by Delhi's Khajuri Khas police station and is being questioned by senior officers of Delhi Police. The police has come to know that a case is already registered against him in the police station and has come out of jail on bail. The accused told in the initial interrogation that there was a call to go to jail.

Last year also a person was arrested by the police

In November last year too, a man called the Delhi Police and threatened to kill PM Narendra Modi. After this the police arrested the accused from Delhi. When the police caught him, it came to know that the said person was under the influence of alcohol and he had called the police while intoxicated.


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