Miracle of Corona Vaccine! Man claims paralysis cured in 1 hour

Madhya Pradesh / Miracle of Corona Vaccine! Man claims paralysis cured in 1 hour
Madhya Pradesh - Miracle of Corona Vaccine! Man claims paralysis cured in 1 hour
While many such mischiefs spread to Corona vaccine, there has been a case in Madhya Pradesh, where the serious illness of the person became correct. This person claims that he had been struggling with serious illness such as Paralisis for the last several months, treated many places, but there was no benefit.

Abdul Majid Khan, Abdul Majid Khan, resident of Sarangpur in Rajgarh district of Madhya Pradesh, was konna vaccine at 10:30 pm. They say that they were battling Paralysis for the last six-seven months. The effect of Paralis was also on his mouth, he was not able to speak properly.

Majid Khan said that in just half an hour to get Corona vaccine, his disease was correct. He said that after some time the vaccination started stir in their paralyzed organs. The limbs that were numbed, those organs started working.

Majid Khan is assuming a boon for vaccination. He said that many doctors had responded about their illness. They were also quite upset. Now after recovering from this disease, they are appealing vaccination from people.

Majid Khan said that he got comfort until 75 per cent after vaccining. He said that due to Paralis, there was a lot of problem in speaking, but now they are also able to speak in the right way.

Dr. District of Rajgarh District Hospital Sudhir Kalawat says that Majid Khan was installed a covisher vaccine. He said that the patient claims that his paralysis is right after the vaccine.

Dr. Sudhir Kalawat said that it can be psychological or it can also be the effect of vaccine, whatever it requires research study.


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