monoclonal antibody therapy Treatment For corona positive patient

Coronavirus India / monoclonal antibody therapy Treatment For corona positive patient
Coronavirus India - monoclonal antibody therapy Treatment For corona positive patient
New Delhi: All efforts are being made to beat Coronavirus. Every day new studies are coming out for the treatment of corona virus. The use of monoclonal antibody therapy, which is said to be effective in the treatment of corona, has now started in India as well. Its initial results are relief.

Positive results of monoclonal antibody cocktail

Doctors of Gangaram Hospital gave monoclonal antibody therapy to corona patients. According to doctors, monoclonal antibody therapy for covid 19 significantly improved the health of two Covid-19 patients within 12 hours. Dr Pooja Khosla, Senior Consultant, Medical Department, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital (SGRH), said that a 36-year-old health worker was suffering from high fever, cough, muscle pain, extreme weakness and lack of white blood cells. He was given a monoclonal antibody cocktail on Tuesday, the sixth day of illness.

First patient's health improved in 8 hours

Doctor Pooja Khosla told that patients with such symptoms reach serious condition faster than Moderate. In this case, the patient had high fever for 5 days and the White Blood Cells level had dropped to 2,600. He was then given monoclonal antibody therapy, after which his health improved after 8 hours. The patient was discharged from the hospital.

The second patient recovered within 12 hours

A monoclonal antibody is a 'copy' of an antibody that targets a specific antigen. This treatment has previously been used in Ebola and HIV. At the same time, the second case is of 80-year-old patient RK Razdan. He was suffering from diabetes and high blood pressure and he was suffering from high fever and cough. The hospital said in a statement, 'The CT scan confirmed mild illness. He was given REGN-COV2 on the fifth day. The patient's health improved within 12 hours.


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