Most dangerous is Covid 19 Delta Variant WHO warning

Coronavirus / Most dangerous is Covid 19 Delta Variant WHO warning
Coronavirus - Most dangerous is Covid 19 Delta Variant WHO warning
Geneva: The delta form of the corona virus (Covid-19 Delta Variant) has increased concern. Cases of delta variants are being reported in many countries including India. While the central government has alerted the states about the Delta Plus variant, the World Health Organization (WHO) chief Tedros Adhanam Ghebreyesus has also warned.

Delta found in 85 countries

The (WHO) chief has said that the delta variant of the corona virus (Covid-19 Delta Variant) found in at least 85 countries is the 'most contagious' of all the forms that have been detected so far and it is spreading rapidly among those people. Those who have not got the Corona Vaccine. The WHO chief said, 'I know that right now there is a lot of concern about the delta form around the world and WHO is also worried about it.' The delta form of the corona virus was first found in India.

If the vaccine is not administered then the risk is high

The WHO chief said in Geneva, 'Delta is the most infectious of all the forms detected so far and has been identified in at least 85 countries and is spreading rapidly among people who have not been vaccinated. Expressing concern over the relaxation of public health and social measures in some countries, he said, 'We have started seeing infections increasing worldwide. More cases mean more number of patients being hospitalised, which will increase the pressure on health care workers and the health system and increase the risk of death.

More variants will keep coming

Ghebreyesus said that new forms of Kovid-19 are expected to come and they will keep coming. He said, 'Viruses do this, they keep proliferating but we can stop the forms from coming by stopping the infection from spreading.' The technical lead of Kovid-19 at WHO, Dr. Maria Van Kirkhove said that the delta variant is a 'dangerous' virus and is more contagious than the alpha variant which itself was highly contagious in Europe and other countries.

Vaccines can protect

He said that cases of infection are declining in many European countries, but other events including large-scale sports or religious programs are also taking place. "All of these activities are a result of this, and the delta variant is spreading rapidly among people who haven't been vaccinated," he said. The population is yet to be vaccinated and many have not received a second dose of the anti-Covid-19 vaccine. He said the anti-Covid-19 vaccines against the delta form are "very effective" in preventing serious illness and death.

The government warned the states

The Union Health Ministry on Friday urged eight states and Union Territories to increase vaccination on priority basis in districts where delta plus form of coronavirus has been detected as well as preventive measures like crowd control, extensive testing. Union Health Secretary Rajesh Bhushan has suggested these measures in letters to Tamil Nadu, Rajasthan, Karnataka, Punjab, Andhra Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, Gujarat and Haryana.


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