Mumbai to remain under level 3 curbs: BMC after Maha alters unlock plan

Coronavirus / Mumbai to remain under level 3 curbs: BMC after Maha alters unlock plan
Coronavirus - Mumbai to remain under level 3 curbs: BMC after Maha alters unlock plan
Mumbai: Level-three category restrictions related to Covid-19 will remain in place in Mumbai, the city’s civic body has said. This means essential shops and establishments can remain open till 4 pm on all days while those related to non-essential supplies can operate till 4 pm on weekdays. Restaurants will be allowed to operate dine-in with 50% capacity till 4 pm on weekdays.

The travel on local trains will be restricted to medical and essential services. Gyms, salons, and spas can also remain open till 4 pm, operational at 50% capacity without air conditioning.

The positivity rate in Mumbai right now is 3.96% and oxygen bed occupancy 26.04%.

As of June 25, Mumbai reported 718,962 cases and 15,368 deaths. The recovery rate in the city is 95% and the mortality rate 2.13%.

The Maharashtra government on Friday announced stricter Covid-19 lockdown norms, reducing the five-level relaxation plan to three.

The move came as cases of Delta plus variant of Covid-19 were reported in the state.


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