Mysterious Underwater Island seen in the Arabian Sea near Kochi in Google Maps, now the investigation will start

Viral News / Mysterious Underwater Island seen in the Arabian Sea near Kochi in Google Maps, now the investigation will start
Viral News - Mysterious Underwater Island seen in the Arabian Sea near Kochi in Google Maps, now the investigation will start
Kochi: An island (Bean Shaped Island) has found Bean-shaped in Arabian Sea near the west coast of Kerala's city Kochi (Kerala's Kochi). This Underwater Island has been revealed through Google Maps Satellite Imagery (Google Maps Satellite Imagery). It is being told about half of the west Kochi's size. Expert is also surprised by not getting any visible structure in the sea and he is assuming it under water. At the same time, the officials of Kerala University of Fisheries and Ocean Studies (KUFOS) are planning to investigate.

Such island

According to the report of 'The News Minute', this case came in the attention of Kufos officials, when the organization called Chellanam Karshika Tourism Development Society (Chellanam Karshika Tourism Development Society) wrote letters. In the beginning of this month, the organization's President Advocate KX Julpan (KX Julappan) shared the screenshot of Google Maps while showing the formation of the mysterious island in the Arabian Sea, which appears in almost seven km west from the Kochi coast. Based on the map, he claimed that the length of this is 8 km and width is 3.5 km.

Do not know how to make

Rizi John of Kufos Vice Chancellor said that the institution is considering the possibility of highlighting this incident. He said that on seeing from Google Maps it looks like any other island under water. There are similar observations and there is also a specific size, but we do not know what it is made. This sand can also be done and the soil can also be addressed in the investigation. At the moment we can not say much.

Suspicion of fishing community

Reeji John said that the members of the fishing community have expressed suspicion that it is the result of dredging by coachine harbor. He said that we have to check this possibility. Generally, due to factors such as water stream, coastal drift, processes like accretion (return to the coast of coastal sediment) or coastal erosion. John said, "There is a problem of erosion towards the south sector in Kerala, while kilometers long accretion is seen in areas such as Wipen (Ernakulam district). We can not say that this incident is also due to the same reason.

Size not expand

The Vice-Chancellor of Kufos said that in the coming days Kufos will meet with other experts and discussions will be discussed on the study. Meanwhile, representatives of the Chelanam Perschica Tourism Development Society claimed that it is being formed for the last four years. However, its size is not expanded. He said that there are many questions about this mysterious island, which can only get the answer only in the investigation,


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