Nepal's Prime Minister KP Oli tried to please China, made this big announcement

KP Sharma Oli / Nepal's Prime Minister KP Oli tried to please China, made this big announcement
KP Sharma Oli - Nepal's Prime Minister KP Oli tried to please China, made this big announcement
KP Sharma Oli: Nepal's Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli has recently once again expressed his loyalty to China. In a meeting with a high-level Chinese delegation led by Chen Jining, a member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, in Kathmandu on Sunday, he announced a tough stand on anti-China activities. Oli made it clear that any kind of anti-China activities will not be tolerated in Nepal's borders and Nepal supports the 'One China' policy.

The meeting took place at Oli's official residence Baluwatar, where he reaffirmed Nepal's commitment, saying that China's claim to Taiwan is justified and it is mandatory for all countries to follow the 'One China' policy.

Oli's statement comes at a time when he had spoiled his relations with India. Now, hoping for support from China for economic development, Oli also discussed strengthening bilateral relations and increasing cooperation during this meeting.

Oli, who is the chairman of the Communist Party of Nepal (Unified Marxist-Leninist), is seen as a pro-China leader. His move marks a turning point in Nepal's political landscape, with growing loyalty to China and distance from India. Oli's love for China has given rise to the possibility of new equations in Nepal's politics, which could have an impact on regional stability and security in the future.


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