New danger ... 13 year old child's brain became inactive after recovering from corona

Delta Plus Variant: / New danger ... 13 year old child's brain became inactive after recovering from corona
Delta Plus Variant: - New danger ... 13 year old child's brain became inactive after recovering from corona
Hyderabad CoronaRus infection (coronavirus) is still spreading in the country. Meanwhile, Corona is constantly causing its appearance as a new variant (Corona variant). But there is a worrisome news between these Karnataka. In the state of Devangere district, a 13-year-old child was first Corona infection, after that his brain became inactive. His treatment runs on the ventilator for several days in the hospital. After this, he got a little improvement in his health.

According to the media report, this matter has emerged in Karnataka's Devangere district. After being Koreona, such a case of being inactive of the brain is being told to first and second in the state. It has been said in the report that the 13-year-old child has acute the Nasaphalopathy of Childhood (Anec). She is admitted to the hospital for 8 days.

Director NK Kalpana, director of the SS Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Center, says that when the child's brain was examined, he was found inactive. He was placed on the ventilator for three days. After this, the ventilator was removed after showing some improvements in his health.

They say that the child needs a week and treatment. When he will be fine, we will find out how much his brain has been affected. The information has been given from them that the treatment of this disease is quite expensive. Its injection for every child weighing 30 kg comes from 75,000 to 1 lakh rupees.


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