New dangerous form of delta in India, warn scientists

COVID-19 Update / New dangerous form of delta in India, warn scientists
COVID-19 Update - New dangerous form of delta in India, warn scientists
In India, the new form of more infectious variant delta has been detected in India. It has been named Ay.1 or Delta +. It is being more infectious than Delta Plus. According to the experts, it is believed that this variant monoclonal antibody can reduce the effect of cocktail medicine, which is being considered an effective drug against Corona.

Delta variant has proved to be devastating for the first time in India. It is believed that the Delta variant has once again changed itself in the mutants named Ay.1 or Delta + after doing genetic mutations. According to the experts, this can prove to be more dangerous than the Corona virus to reduce the effect of the Ay.1 or Delta + variable drug.

According to an Executive Agency of the Health and Social Care Department of the UK Government, Public Health England, 63 genoms of Delta (B.1.617.2) have been identified with the new K417N mutation so far on Global Science Initiative GisAid. According to his latest report on the Kovid-19 variant updated until last Friday, 6 cases of Delta + were registered by June 7 in India.

Doctors and computational biologists of Delhi's Institute of Genomics and Integrative Biology, Dr. Vinod Scaria said that the most important thing about K417N is that these mutants can neutralize "monoclonal antibody Casirivimab and Imdevimab. According to Central Drug Standard Control Organization In the treatment of Kovid-19 in the country, the use of this cocktail's Emergency Use has been approved.

Tweeting on Sunday, Scaria said that Delta + (B.1.617.2.1) from existing variants has been received by K417N Mutation. These K417N Mutesan Receptor Binding is connected to the domain and immune escape that is capable of escaping from the immunity of the human body. Variant Frequency of K417N mutation in India is very low. Doctor Scarya wrote a new mutant name Delta + as if new mutations will be developed, it will be challenging to understand.

According to Public Health England's report, Delta-AY.1 edition was found through regular scanning of changes in Delta. According to this report, very few known Sequences received Spike Protein Mutation K417n. Scientists gave credit to Europe at the end of March at the end of the oldest sequas. Scarya said that 127 sequences of Europe, Asia and America are now present in the public domain. Scarya said that many genome AY.1 or B.1.617.2.1 were part of the world all over the world.


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