New variant of corona found in 29 countries - Lambda, WHO worries - this form should not spread to the whole world

COVID-19 Update / New variant of corona found in 29 countries - Lambda, WHO worries - this form should not spread to the whole world
COVID-19 Update - New variant of corona found in 29 countries - Lambda, WHO worries - this form should not spread to the whole world
Geneva The World Health Organization (WHO) said on Wednesday that Koreona's new variant has been found in 29 countries. Lambda (Lambda) is believed to be about this variant that it was found for the first time in South America. WHO said in Weekly Update that for the first time found in Peru, Lambda Variants was responsible for the growing cases of Corona in South America.

Officials said that more effective effects of Lambda variants were found in Peru. From April 2021 to Peru, 81 per cent Corona case is connected to this variant. On the other hand, 32 percent of the cases submitted in Chile in the last 60 days, this variant has been found. In other countries like Argentina and Ecuador, many cases of this variant have been registered.WHO said that Lambda variants are mutate which can increase the transition capacity. As well as the antibody will not affect this format of infection. The organization said that Lambda needs more study to better understand variants.

Tell that any form of virus is worrisome when scientists believe that it is more infectious and can seriously ill. Investigation, treatment and vaccine identifying worrisome variants can also be less effective against it.

Since Who is afraid that this form of infection can not spread anywhere around the world. Recently Delta Variant also increased the worries of the world. The UK has claimed that in the 11 days in his country, the matter was doubled and it is believed to be responsible for Delta Variant. Since the end of February in the UK, the most 8,125 cases of Kovid-19 have been revealed in 24 hours and Jan Health England (PHE) have revealed that the first delta format in India (B.617.2) The case has increased from about 30 thousand to 42,323 in a week.


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