Night curfew removed, gyms to reopen from August 5 under Unlock 3

India / Night curfew removed, gyms to reopen from August 5 under Unlock 3
India - Night curfew removed, gyms to reopen from August 5 under Unlock 3
New Delhi: The Central government has given permission to operate Yoga institutes and gymnasiums during the Unlock 3 phase announced on Wednesday evening. However, education institutes, cinema halls, swimming pools, entertainment parks, theatres, bars, auditoriums and assembly halls will continue to remain closed till August 31.

Yoga institutes and gymnasiums were shut down since March 25, when the first phase of nationwide lockdown was announced. The centre has been ordering a phased wise reopening of economy after two months of hard lockdown ended in May.

“Yoga institutes and gymnasiums will be allowed to function from August 5, 2020 for which Standard Operating Procedure (SoPs) will be issued by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare ,” the order states.

The first two phase of Unlock- a term coined to represent the various stages of unlocking the economy-- has led to resumption of most commercial activities including restricted domestic aviation and train operations apart from restaurants, hotels, saloons, malls etc. However, the government has been wary of other activities that are likely to result in mass congregation at one place including metro operations, entertainment parks and cinema halls. It has allowed religious activities but with SOPs restricting the number of attendees at such gatherings.

The order released by the Union home secretary also says that every other activity that has been permitted outside of designated containment zones will continue without any restriction.

The guidelines also do not permit resumption of metro train services in any part of the country. Delhi government under Kejriwal has been seeking resumption of Delhi Metro services citing the improved Covid 19 situation in the capital.

Shopping mall operators had also presented a case for reopening of cinema halls in their premises citing it as the next logical step after reopening of malls.


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