No coronavirus case on this part of earth north sentinel island

Special / No coronavirus case on this part of earth north sentinel island
Special - No coronavirus case on this part of earth north sentinel island
Special | Corona virus shook the entire humanity, there was no country in the world where this virus has not shown its orgy. Now even though the cases of corona virus have reduced, but still full vigilance is being taken in many countries. Meanwhile, recently there was a debate on which corner of the earth where the corona virus has not reached.

Actually, many case studies have come to the fore regarding the corona virus. A report by the Daily Star has discussed a place where it is being told that this is the only place on earth where the corona virus has not reached. It is being claimed about Sentinel Island, a secluded island in the Indian Ocean, that the corona virus has not reached here.

According to the report, Sentinel Island is part of the Andaman Islands and is about 500 miles from the Myanmar border. It is told about this place that even the corona virus could not reach here because it is cut off from the whole world. The people living here are hated by the people of the world. When someone reaches this area, they consider him as their enemy and get ready to kill him.

Only the people of the Sentinel tribe live on this island, their population is said to be around 400 but it can be more. These people attack people outside with arrows. It is said that the tribe has lived on this island for more than 60 thousand years. Whoever came close to the tribe during this period did not return or there is news of his death.


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