The Divisional Transport Department issues 50 cc driving license to 16 to 18 year olds. For the past few years, no company is currently making 50 cc vehicles. In such a situation, these people do the work of running two wheels up to 200 cc on a 50 cc license. In view of this, in the past, the Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers issued a mail to the Transport Department informing about the production of two wheelers less than 50 cc. Now applications are not even being taken for driving license of such juveniles and teenagers. Taking applications on the portal has also been stopped. Now only those teenagers will be able to apply, who will have a 50 cc vehicle registered in their name.
There is a rule in the Motor Vehicle Act to drive a motor vehicle of less than 50 cc engine capacity.Section 4 of the Motor Vehicles Act 1988 specifies the age limit for driving a motor vehicle. According to its first rule, no person below the age of 18 years shall drive a motor vehicle in any public place. However, any youth who attains the age of 16 years can drive a motor vehicle of less than 50 cc engine capacity after obtaining a license. According to this rule, licenses are made for applicants of 16 years of age all over the country. These are also called license without gear vehicle. Due to this name, most of the officers-employees of RTO consider this license valid for vehicles like Scooty and Activa due to lack of knowledge. For this reason, after giving trials on similar vehicles, youths get licenses made and drive similar vehicles, even when these vehicles are more than 100 cc, which according to the rules cannot be driven by such applicants.
Currently no vehicle less than 69.9 ccAccording to automobile experts, many years ago vehicles named Swega, Vicky, Luna, Hero Puk and Sunny used to come in the category up to 50 cc, but Svega and Vicky have been discontinued for about 20 years and Luna, Hero Puk and Sunny about 15 years ago. . At present, TVS XL Super Heavy Duty is the lowest cc vehicle. Its engine capacity is also 69.9 cc, which means that there is no vehicle that is less than 50 cc.
Here are the licensing rulesTwo wheeler licenses are given at two levels. One for the age group of 16 years to 18 years and the other for the age group above 18 years. Juveniles in the age group of 16 to 18 years are allowed to drive two wheelers without gear. In this also a condition has been added that the vehicle should be less than 50 cc capacity, but 50 cc vehicles have stopped making in the country almost two decades ago.
Journey started with 35 cc capacity crossed 1000 cc The journey of two wheelers started with 35 cc capacity has now crossed 1000 cc. Vehicles of 500 to 600 cc are also available in the country, but the provisions of the Motor Vehicles Act have not changed.
The making of licenses for juveniles between 16 years and 18 years has been stopped. According to the rules, such licenses were only for drivers of 50 cc vehicles, but 50 cc two wheelers have also stopped making them. In such a situation, now licenses will be made for youth above 18 years.