PM Modi on Varanasi visit, inaugurates projects worth Rs 6100 crore

PM Modi In Varanasi / PM Modi on Varanasi visit, inaugurates projects worth Rs 6100 crore
PM Modi In Varanasi - PM Modi on Varanasi visit, inaugurates projects worth Rs 6100 crore
PM Modi In Varanasi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi visited his parliamentary constituency Varanasi on Sunday, where he inaugurated several important projects. During this visit, PM Modi inaugurated the RJ Shankara Eye Hospital in Varanasi, which will play an important role in eye care for the elderly and children. Governor Anandi Ben Patel and Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath were also present with him on this occasion.

During this visit, PM Modi also laid the foundation stone of the new terminal building under the expansion of Babatpur Airport. He launched projects worth about Rs 6,100 crore for 5 states from Varanasi.

Historic day for Kashi

Regarding the development of Varanasi, PM Modi said that this is a historic day for Kashi. He said, "In the last 10 years, a big campaign of infrastructure construction has been started in the country. Its aim is not only to increase the facilities of the citizens, but also to create employment opportunities for the youth."

Discussing the development work being done across the country, the Prime Minister said that modern highways, railway tracks, and airports are being constructed rapidly in the country. This is making travel easier for people, and new employment opportunities are being created for the youth. He also described the expansion of Babatpur Airport as an important step in this direction.

Changing identity of Kashi

The Prime Minister said that today the identity of Kashi has become different from before. Kashi is now known for projects like Baba Vishwanath's Bhavya Dham, Rudraksh Convention Center, and Ring Road. He emphasized that Kashi was deprived of development in the past decades, and the reason for this was the politics of nepotism and appeasement.

Modi said, "Today Kashi is being identified with development. Earlier Banaras was made to yearn for development. The politics of nepotism and appeasement had discriminated in the development of Kashi."

Housing scheme and political reforms

The Prime Minister also emphasized on his government's housing scheme. He said that his government is working towards building 3 crore new houses. Even in Varanasi, women who have not yet got the benefit of PM Awas Yojana will be given houses as soon as possible.

Apart from this, he also clarified his goal of bringing youth into the country's politics. PM Modi said that he wants to bring one lakh such youth into politics who have no connection with political background. He called it a big step towards eradicating corruption and family mentality.


This visit of Prime Minister Narendra Modi has proved to be an important milestone in the development of Kashi. With the new hospital, expansion of the airport, and other projects, Kashi is getting a new identity. Along with this, PM Modi's vision of political reform and development has brought a new ray of hope for the people of Kashi.


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